
近づきたいよ 君の理想に

icecast2+icesでmp3ストリーミング配信してみる(ubuntu server)




  • Ubuntu Server 14.04
  • Icecast 2.3.3(ストリーミングサーバー)
  • IceS 0.4(Icecastに曲を送り続ける)



sudo apt-get install icecast2




sudo service icecast2 restart




sudo apt-get install make g++ libxslt-dev libvorbis-dev libshout3-dev libmp3lame-dev


wget http://downloads.us.xiph.org/releases/ices/ices-0.4.tar.gz  
tar -xvzf ices-0.4.tar.gz  
cd ices-0.4/  
./configure --with-lame=/usr/local/lib  
sudo make install



find  -name "*.mp3" | sort >> /var/music/playlist.txt


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ices:Configuration xmlns:ices="http://www.icecast.org/projects/ices">
    <!-- This is the filename used as a playlist when using the builtin
         playlist handler. -->
    <!-- Set this to 0 if you don't want to randomize your playlist, and to
         1 if you do. -->
    <!-- One of builtin, perl, or python. -->
         If you use the builtin playlist handler then this is ignored -->
    <!-- Set this to the number of seconds to crossfade between tracks.
         Leave out or set to zero to disable crossfading (the default).

    <!-- Set this to 1 if you want ices to launch in the background as a
         daemon -->
    <!-- Set this to 1 if you want to see more verbose output from ices -->
    <!-- This directory specifies where ices should put the logfile, cue file
         on your server. -->

      <!-- Hostname or ip of the icecast server you want to connect to -->
      <!-- Port of the same -->
      <!-- Encoder password on the icecast server -->
      <!-- Header protocol to use when communicating with the server.
           Shoutcast servers need "icy", icecast 1.x needs "xaudiocast", and
           icecast 2.x needs "http". -->

    <!-- The name of the mountpoint on the icecast server -->
    <!-- The name of the dumpfile on the server for your stream. DO NOT set
         this unless you know what you're doing.
    <!-- The name of you stream, not the name of the song! -->
    <Name>Default stream</Name>
    <!-- Genre of your stream, be it rock or pop or whatever -->
    <Genre>Default genre</Genre>
    <!-- Longer description of your stream -->
    <Description>Default description</Description>
    <!-- URL to a page describing your stream -->
    <!-- 0 if you don't want the icecast server to publish your stream on
         the yp server, 1 if you do -->

    <!-- Stream bitrate, used to specify bitrate if reencoding, otherwise
         just used for display on YP and on the server. Try to keep it
         accurate -->
    <!-- If this is set to 1, and ices is compiled with liblame support,
         ices will reencode the stream on the fly to the stream bitrate. -->
    <!-- Number of channels to reencode to, 1 for mono or 2 for stereo -->
    <!-- Sampe rate to reencode to in Hz. Leave out for LAME's best choice


ices ices.conf