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{ "by": "dmmalam", "descendants": 164, "id": 15723926, "kids": [ 15725222, 15725497, 15724381, 15725098, 15725522, 15724380, 15727049, 15725813, 15725354, 15725170, 15727631, 15727112, 15724376, 15724479, 15724432, 15724919, 15724328, 15724448, 15724396, 15725571, 15724863, 15727718 ], "score": 551, "time": 1510939468, "title": "Microsoft and GitHub team up to take Git virtual file system to macOS, Linux", "type": "story", "url": "https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/11/microsoft-and-github-team-up-to-take-git-virtual-file-system-to-macos-linux/" }
Field | Description |
id | The item's unique id. |
deleted | true if the item is deleted. |
type | The type of item. One of "job", "story", "comment", "poll", or "pollopt". |
by | The username of the item's author. |
time | Creation date of the item, in Unix Time. |
text | The comment, story or poll text. HTML. |
dead | true if the item is dead. |
parent | The comment's parent: either another comment or the relevant story. |
poll | The pollopt's associated poll. |
kids | The ids of the item's comments, in ranked display order. |
url | The URL of the story. |
score | The story's score, or the votes for a pollopt. |
title | The title of the story, poll or job. |
parts | A list of related pollopts, in display order. |
descendants | In the case of stories or polls, the total comment count. |