
近づきたいよ 君の理想に



すごい結果から言うと、ziproxyは古参プロキシなのでhttpsの画像圧縮に対応できてない よってhttps当たり前の今日の環境ではあまり意味がない



apt install ziproxy


mkdir -p /var/log/ziproxy
chown ziproxy:ziproxy /var/log/ziproxy
--- ziproxy.conf_orig    2018-07-14 20:26:59.956647988 +0900
+++ ziproxy.conf  2018-07-14 20:41:52.692669599 +0900
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
 ## Port to listen for proxy connections
 ## default: 8080
-# Port = 8080
+Port = 10722
 ## Local address to listen for proxy connections
 ## If you have more than one network interface,
 ## it's useful for restricting to which interface you want to bind to.
 ## By default Ziproxy binds to all interfaces.
-Address = ""
+#Address = ""
 ## Accepts conections only from that address.
 ## WARNING: Remember to restrict the access to Ziproxy
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 ##          ziproxy will fail and no error will be displayed on the console.
 ## Default: undefined (dumps to stderr).
-# ErrorLog = "/var/log/ziproxy/error.log"
+ErrorLog = "/var/log/ziproxy/error.log"
 ## File to be used as access log.
 ## If undefined, there will be no access logging at all.
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
 ## 5 (SIGSYS received)
 ## X (SIGTERM received - also happens when interrupting the daemon while transferring)
 ## Disabled by default.
-# AccessLog = "/var/log/ziproxy/access.log"
+AccessLog = "/var/log/ziproxy/access.log"
 ## When enabled, Ziproxy will intercept signals indicative of
 ## software crash, flag the offending request in access log
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
 ## to reroute the connections from x.x.x.x:80 to ziproxy.host:PROXY_PORT
 ## Disabled by default.
 ## See also: RestrictOutPortHTTP
-# TransparentProxy = false
+TransparentProxy = true
 ## Whether to process normal proxy requests or not
 ## Only makes sense when TransparentProxy is enabled.
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
 ## abuse of the service.
 ## Enabled by default.
 ## See also: RestrictOutPortCONNECT
-# AllowMethodCONNECT = true
+AllowMethodCONNECT = true
 ## If defined, restricts the outgoing connections (except CONNECT methods - used by HTTPS)
 ## to the listed destination ports.
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
 ##   Gzip compression (and only that) will be applied while streaming.
 ## Default: 1048576 (bytes)
 ##   (default used to be "0" in ziproxy 2.3.0 and earlier)
-# MaxSize = 1048576
+MaxSize = 0
 UseContentLength = false
@@ -595,9 +595,9 @@
 ## Whether to try to (re)compress incoming data originally in
 ## the following formats (true) or not (false)
 ## default: true
-# ProcessJPG = true
-# ProcessPNG = true
-# ProcessGIF = true
+ProcessJPG = true
+ProcessPNG = true
+ProcessGIF = true
 ## Whether to try to optimize HTML, CSS and Javascript, thus reducing their size
 ## ProcessHTML: text/html
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@
 ## Note: Not all images sent will be in grayscale, only the ones
 ##       considered worth recompression that way.
 ## Disabled by default.
-# ConvertToGrayscale = false
+ConvertToGrayscale = true
 ## Preemptive Name Resolution
 ## If enabled, tries to resolve hostnames present in the processed HTML files
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@
 ## If "ForceOutputNoJP2 = true", this option will be overrided
 ## and stay disabled.
 ## default: false
-# ProcessToJP2 = false
+# ProcessToJP2 = true
 ## When enabled, this option forces the conversion of all incoming
 ## JP2K images to another format (usually JPEG).
@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@
 ## Thus, prior to compression, the image is analysed in order to know which rate
 ## (loosely) reflects the quality had this picture be compressed using jpeg.
 ## This option obsoletes "JP2Rate".
-# JP2ImageQuality = {20,15,15,15}
+JP2ImageQuality = {20,15,15,15}
